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Jada Monica Drew is the CEO of Social Designs; a social justice consulting firm. Social Designs provides social justice solutions for organizations and people across the globe. Jada’s first book Revolutionize Now: Creative Leadership & Action for Social Change is a movement equipping educators, social justice activists, and business leaders with tangible tools for radicalizing systems & evolving self. Jada studied African American studies at Guilford College, where she was a Bonner Scholar. “I love studying people. I love the cycle of systems and the way people interact,” she says.
Photographed, Thursday, August 24, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C. JERRY WOLFORD and SCOTT MUTHERSBAUGH / Perfecta Visuals
Photographed, Thursday, August 24, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C. JERRY WOLFORD and SCOTT MUTHERSBAUGH / Perfecta Visuals