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Mike Crow, 35, is a “Cherokee Friends” who volunteers at the Museum of the Cherokee. Crow is a member of the Warriors of the Ani Kituwah, who perform traditional Cherokee dances. “Kituwah” is the name of the Cherokee “mothertown,” Crow says, important because, while other Native American communities have been displaced, “we still live in the ancestral homeland of our people.” One reason why the Qualla Boundary isn’t the same as a reservation. It’s not even part of the state of North Carolina. Find out why at the Museum of the Cherokee.
Photographed, Monday, February 12, 2018, in Cherokee, N.C. JERRY WOLFORD and SCOTT MUTHERSBAUGH / Perfecta Visuals
Photographed, Monday, February 12, 2018, in Cherokee, N.C. JERRY WOLFORD and SCOTT MUTHERSBAUGH / Perfecta Visuals